Democrat politician quick to attack 2nd Amendment following shooting

Second Amendment activist Colion Noir slammed Austin, Texas Mayor Steve Adler in an Instagram video released Tuesday.

Following the fatal shooting of a BLM activist last weekend, the mayor was asked to comment on the tragic incident.

“We have too many guns. We have to do better, I think just generally speaking as a society, in taking guns off the streets,” the Democrat mayor told a local reporter.

“We have too many guns on our streets and we have to do something about that,” he continued.

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Like many anti-gun politicians, Mayor Steve Adler has a history of using tragedy to undermine the constitution and push his gun control/confiscation initiative to take guns away from law-abiding citizens instead of getting to the root of the problem. There are literally ten sides to this story. However, It hasn’t been 24 hours and already the mayor of Austin, Texas, is using this tragedy to push for gun control. This is a mayor of a city in one of the most pro-gun states in the country and he’s basically saying we need to take peoples guns. We’re not even talking about criminals here. Everyone in this situation had a legal right to have the gun they had. Yet and still, the anti-gun mayor of Austin Texas didn’t say we need to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, He didn’t say, let’s all try to be responsible gun owners, he said there are too many guns and we need to get them off the street. You can’t get anymore anti-gun then saying we need to take guns away from people who are not criminals. I for one am not willing to give up my rights because we live in a world with some stupid people with some stupid leaders of major cities continuing to enable stupidity just so they can leverage tragedy to push for more gun control. Yes, there were guns involved in this case, the problem here wasn’t that there were guns, the problem is the mayor didn’t do his job or this protest was illegal. If this was a sanctioned event there should have been blocked off streets and path where the protestors could march without having to worry about being hit by cars thus preventing this whole thing from ever happening, OR if this was an unsanctioned protest thus an illegal one you can’t be surprised about cars running into you on the streets you’re illegally marching on thus creating the very situation that resulted in this man losing his life. GUNS ARE ESSENTIAL ➡️ Keep America Tactical ➡️

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Noir responded to the mayor’s comments, explaining, “This is a mayor of a city in one of the most pro-gun states in the country and he’s basically saying we need to take peoples guns. We’re not even talking about criminals here.”

“Yet and still, the anti-gun mayor of Austin Texas didn’t say we need to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. He didn’t say, ‘let’s all try to be responsible gun owners,’ he said there are too many guns and we need to get them off the street,” Noir continued.

Adler’s reactionary response to the shooting is stereotypical among Democrats who frequently use tragedies to push their anti-gun agenda.



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