DOCS: Pedo Allegedly Shot By Kyle Rittenhouse Sodomized, Molested Multiple Boys As Young As 9 Years Old

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Court documents reportedly show that convicted child sex offender Joseph D. Rosenbaum, one of the Black Lives Matter rioters that 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse is accused of shooting last week, was convicted of molesting, abusing, and sodomizing five boys aged 9 to 11 years old.

Rosenbaum was allegedly shot by Rittenhouse after being caught on video screaming “Shoot me, n**ga!”

READ MORE: VIDEO: Rioter Repeatedly Says ‘Shoot Me N**ga,’ Gets Shot in the Head Moments Later

Defenders of the Rosenbaum that theorized, without evidence, that the deceased child sex offender had committed a “lesser” offence such as having consensual sexual intercourse with a 17-year-old when he was 18.

Presentencing report court documents obtained by independent investigators indicate that Rosenbaum was found to have been convicted of far more heinous crimes, for which he served only 12 and a half years in an Arizona prison.

According to the presentencing report, “an acquaintance of the defendant brought him home to stay after the defendant was asked to leave his mother’s residence” in February 2002, and he went on stay at more residences and have contact with a total of five children, aged between 9 to 11 years old.

Rosdenbaum first drew suspicion when the mother of one of the victims noticed burn marks on her son in March. When the boy was asked about the injury, he revealed that he had been sexually molested by Rosenbaum.

The eleven counts of sex crimes that Rosenbaum, a proud Black Lives Matter supporter, was charged with in the report span the gamut of groping the victims’ genitals, engaging in oral sex with the victims, and sodomizing the victims.

National File previously reported in August on the revelation that Rosenbaum was a convicted pedophile.

READ MORE: Kenosha Rioter Allegedly Shot in Head by Kyle Rittenhouse Was Convicted Pedophile

Kyle Rittenhouse is currently charged with first-degree homicide related to the shootings of Rosenbaum and two other men: convicted domestic abuser Anthony Huber and convicted burglar Gaige Paul Grosskreutz.

The post DOCS: Pedo Allegedly Shot By Kyle Rittenhouse Sodomized, Molested Multiple Boys As Young As 9 Years Old appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.