Wray Claims “White Supremacists” Make Up the Largest Share of Racially Motivated Terrorists in the US as BLM Burns Businesses to the Ground (VIDEO)

This is outrageous!

FBI Director Christopher Wray on Thursday said “white supremacists” make up the largest share of racially motivated terrorists in the United States.

Wray made these statements during a testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee.

“Within the domestic terrorism bucket, category as a whole, racially motivated violent extremism is I think the biggest bucket within that large group. And within the racially motivated extremism bucket people prescribing to some kind of white supremacist ideology is certainly the biggest chunk of that,” Wray told radical Democrat Rep. Elissa Slotkin (MI).

“I don’t have the numbers for you,” Wray said admitting he has no evidence whatsoever to back up his insane claims.


Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter Marxists are burning down buildings, shaking down business, terrorizing white people dining outdoors and threatening white people in their homes.

BLM burns down AutoZone in Minneapolis

BLM climb onto homes in Rochester, NY and terrorize residents

BLM militant charged after terrorizing white couple dining outdoors, stealing their drinks in Pittsburgh

BLM-Antifa surround white woman dining in DC and terrorize her

Black Lives Matter mob terrorizes white diners in Philly

BLM surround Trump supporter’s home in Milwaukee, terrorize him – then call the police after he defends his property with a firearm

Milwaukee felon leads BLM targeting, doxxing and rioting at Trump supporters’ homes

Wray also said on Thursday that Russia is currently meddling in the election to “denigrate Vice President Joe Biden.”

President Trump needs to clean house and fire Christopher Wray.

The post Wray Claims “White Supremacists” Make Up the Largest Share of Racially Motivated Terrorists in the US as BLM Burns Businesses to the Ground (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.