Biden Trolls Trump With Photo of Debate ‘Performance Enhancers’

Joe Biden trolled President Trump with a photo of debate ‘performance enhancers’ posted about ninety minutes before Tuesday night’s debate in Cleveland, Ohio set for 9 p.m. EDT.

Will Biden be able to stay alert for the entire debate?

Trump and his campaign have been dogging Biden with questions about his ability to perform in the debate and whether he would be taking performance enhancing drugs or wearing an ear pierce that could feed him answers.

Biden’s photo sought to push back against all that with a photo of ear buds and a pint of ice cream, “It’s debate night, so I’ve got my earpiece and performance enhancers ready.”

Yes, the ice cream is the same $12 per pint Jeni’s ice cream that Nency Pelosi keeps in her freezer.

Last Sunday, Biden, whose plagiarism and lying about his academic record derailed his first presidential bid in 1987, pledged to tell the truth at tonight’s debate.

The post Biden Trolls Trump With Photo of Debate ‘Performance Enhancers’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.