High-End Brands Tell Security Guards to Keep Quiet About Looting Over Fear of Being Labeled “Racist”

High-end brand stores in New York are telling security guards to keep quiet and allow looters to steal luxury items in case the company is accused of being “racist.”

Yes, really.

According to a report in the New York Post, “shoplifters are terrorizing Soho’s high-end boutiques,” stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of products on a weekly basis.

The stores have posted numerous security guards outside the premises in an attempt to deter thieves, but ever since nationwide riots at the end of May, many of them are being told to stand down if any looting actually takes place.

“If they [store personnel] stop them and say anything in the store before they’ve left the building then it often gets turned into a racial accusation,” a local source told the newspaper.

“The brands … tell their employees to walk away,” the insider added. “They don’t want to be the next Instagram video claiming they are a racist brand.”

NYPD Sgt. Joseph Imperatrice said “mobs of young, transient groups” are responsible for blitzing stores, grabbing as much stuff as they can hold before fleeing.

There have been dozens of these incidents in recent weeks, with looters targeting Adidas, Fendi and Burberry, Moncler, Celine and other stores.

The criminals appear to have become emboldened since the BLM movement picked up steam earlier in the year, presumably thinking that shoplifting a new pair of expensive sneakers is a form of “justice”.

“The era of Black Lives Matter is a golden age for criminals,” writes Dave Blount.

“In the near future, all stores will resemble ghetto liquor stores, with the goods secured behind bulletproof glass. A society that reveres criminals like George Floyd, Jacob Blake, et al can expect no better.”

Given this on top of everything else, is it any wonder that people are fleeing from New York in droves?


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