GOP Declares Democrats’ Insistence Barrett Would Kill Obamacare ‘Propaganda’

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Throughout the second day and into the third of Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing for her nomination to the US Supreme Court, Democrats have fearmongered a doomsday scenario for Obamacare if she is appointed. This triggered many Republicans to push back.

Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee have repeatedly floated the notion that Barrett represents the death knell vote for the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, on the High Court. Barrett herself has consistently made it clear she will rule on matters of law and not politics or to purposely affect policy.

Ignoring Barrett’s declaration, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), doubled down on the accusation, saying that a, “vote by any Senator for Judge Amy Coney Barrett is a vote to rip away healthcare for millions and end protections for Americans with preexisting conditions in the middle of the COVID pandemic.”

The continued questioning of Barrett about the Affordable Care Act elicited responses from several ranking members of the GOP in both the House and the Senate.

“No one believes the Supreme Court is going to strike down the Affordable Care Act,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Y), said Monday.

“The left is also suggesting Judge Barrett’s confirmation would be the demise of the Affordable Care Act and the protections for preexisting conditions,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) said during the hearing. “That’s outrageous. As a mother of seven, Judge Barrett clearly understands the importance of health care.”

Questioned about her position on Obamacare Tuesday, Barrett testified, “I’m not here on a mission to destroy the Affordable Care Act.”

Barrett latter made it clear. “Judges can’t wake up one day and say I have an agenda, I like guns, I hate guns, I like abortion, I hate abortion and walk in like a royal queen and impose their will on the world.” She continued, “You have to wait for cases and controversies, which is the language of the Constitution, to wind their way through the process.”

In September, President Trump announced his intention to replace the Affordable Care Act if the Supreme Court can facilitate the opportunity by vacating healthcare law. “Obamacare will be replaced with a MUCH better, and FAR cheaper, alternative if it is terminated in the Supreme Court. Would be a big WIN for the USA!”

The perception is that the seating of Barrett to the bench would tilt the ideological balance of the High Court 6-to-3 to the conservative. In the past, the assumption of how justices will rule has routinely been met with shock and disappointment.

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