Confirmed: Either Fired FBI Director Comey or His Former Chief of Staff Rybicki Lied About FBI Actions After Comey’s 2017 Valentine’s Meeting with President Trump

Former FBI Director Jim Comey is caught in another lie.  His story about the actions he took after meeting with President Trump in the White House in February 2017 are in direct conflict with the story his Chief of Staff, Jim Rybicki, told about the same event.

Crooked cop James Comey said many things about the President of the Unites States whom Comey was spying on and lying to.  One of the now apparent lies that Dirty Cop Comey said was when the President had the former and now fired Head of the FBI in the White House on Valentine’s Day in February 2017.

CBS reported on Comey’s actions on this day:

Feb. 14, 2017: Following a meeting in the Oval Office, Mr. Trump asks Comey to stay behind to “talk about Mike Flynn,” according to Comey’s testimony. Mr. Trump allegedly tells Comey that Flynn “is a good guy,” saying he hopes Comey “can let this go.” Comey is noncommittal and briefs senior FBI leadership on the “very concerning” interaction, Comey writes. Comey does not inform DOJ officials about what Mr. Trump said, but implored Attorney General Jeff Sessions to prevent future one-on-one discussions between the two, according to the testimony. Sessions does not reply, Comey says.

Comey was spying on the President.  The first FBI Director in US history to spy on the President of the United States.  Crooked Comey claimed he was spying because the President allegedly committed crimes related to Trump’s connection with Russia.  Of course there were no crimes and Comey and the FBI and the Intelligence Community knew this from at least January 2017 onward, per the recent DOJ IG report on the Carter Page FISA warrant.

Crooked Comey claimed that President Trump asked him to go light on General Flynn during a meeting in 2017.  He wrote this down in his notes.  These notes were of course later leaked by Comey supposedly through surrogates to the media.

Regardless, we now know that either Comey or his Chief of Staff, Jim Rybicki, lied about what happened after this event.  Comey under oath said that the FBI did not tell AG Jeff Sessions about this event:

But Comey’s own Chief of Staff, Jim Rybicki, told a different story under oath.  Rybicki said that Comey did discuss this with Sessions:

So either Comey or Rybicki lied under oath – probably both did numerous times.  Will any of these lies ever reach the court of law or will we continue with one set of laws for the common man and another for the elites?

Hat tip D. Manny

The post Confirmed: Either Fired FBI Director Comey or His Former Chief of Staff Rybicki Lied About FBI Actions After Comey’s 2017 Valentine’s Meeting with President Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.