VIDEO: Trump Releases Video Showing Him Denounce ‘White Supremacy’ 38 Times

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Sometimes enough is enough. The Trump campaign has cobbled together a video documenting 38 separate times the President has denounced White supremacy to debunk the Democrats talking point once and for all.

The video clips that comprise the almost 5-minute video show President Trump as recently as September and back as far as an interview the President gave disgraced former NBC anchor Matt Lauer in the early 2000s.

“President Trump wants to prosecute the KKK as a terrorist organization and has condemned White supremacy at least 38 times,” a senior Trump campaign official said. “The Biden campaign continues to sow division and inflame racial tension by spreading this false narrative. Enough is enough.”

In every meeting between the President and embattled Democrat candidate Joe Biden, his opponent has advanced the false narrative that President Trump has a connection to White supremist groups. Biden’s running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), the most liberal member of the US Senate and what some consider to be a race-identity candidate, routinely advances this false narrative as well.

President Trump has been questioned by the mainstream media, ad nauseum, about his stance on the issue since 2017.

The genesis of this narrative was a cherry-picked and media-edited comment the President made after he commented that “there are good people on both sides’ referencing the debate on removing historical monuments. The media attributed it to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, between counter-protesters and white nationalists, quoting the President out of context.

This video proves the Democrat talking point to be based in a false narrative created for political purposes.

The post VIDEO: Trump Releases Video Showing Him Denounce ‘White Supremacy’ 38 Times appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.