Minnesota School Hangs LGBT Flag, Bans Pro-Family Flag

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A Minnesota middle school became embroiled in yet another flag-related scandal as it hung an LGBT Rainbow flag in their cafeteria while banning other flags including one depicting a nuclear family–stoking a free speech firestorm.

As a result, the Thomas More Society attorneys are launching an investigation into the matter as to how the school may have breached the rights of the students and internal policies.

Despite a student-led petition to allow for the inclusion of other, more politically-incorrect flags, such as the Gadsden flag, was shot down by the administration.

The Marshall Middle School in Marshall, Minnesota, which has just under 700 pupils enrolled, welcomed the US Flag, as well as other international flags, and the LGBT in the cafeteria, but took issue with the less progressive symbols, according to Life Site News.

Life Site News, speaking with a Thomas More Society attorney, reported:

Thomas More Society Special Counsel Erick Kaardal, who has been retained to represent a group of Marshall residents, commented on the situation. “At the very least, it’s divisive and insensitive. It makes it appear that the school supports one group’s beliefs at the expense of others.” Kaardal added that when students expressed their concern to teachers and administrators over the lifestyle that the flag promotes, they were bullied.

“Whether this was an inappropriate decision by a staff member or a deliberate violation of students’ rights, this is a serious matter,” Kaardal remarked. “It is incumbent upon school officials to write and enforce rules that prevent the public school from being turned into a forum for the display of a single ideology. As members of the academic community, these administrators should understand that you cannot trample on the right to free speech.”

Kaardal suggested that there may have been a political agenda at play in the school’s decision.

He said: “Ironically, of course, the rainbow flag is most famous for being involved in protest, but now those advocating that symbol of protest will not tolerate the expression of opposing ideas.”

“School buildings are funded by public tax dollars,” Kaardal added.

“A ‘viewpoint neutral’ policy toward flags and other displays will assure taxpayers that their money does not go to promote symbols of beliefs they may not agree with. If a federal lawsuit is needed to make this happen, we are equipped to pursue that action.”

Something similar happened at a Missouri school, where students flew the Rebel Flag in opposition to a student handing out pro-LGBT banners and stickers.

National File reported:

A Missouri High School became a battleground, earlier this month, where flags became proxies for the students’ feelings: after LGBT rainbow flags were passed around, students countered by flying the “rebel flag.”

At the West Plains High School in West Plains, Missouri, students began handing out LGBT rainbow flags to show support for the LGBT community.

However, the act was not necessarily well-received.

After the LGBT rainbow flags were handed out in the school’s cafeteria, some students replied by draping a large Confederate flag in the lunch room.

Following the incident, the school district won’t reveal details of its investigation but has emphasized that the safety and education of students is the ‘utmost concern’, according to KY3.

National File will continue to track public schools on issues related to LGBT equality and conservative values.


The post Minnesota School Hangs LGBT Flag, Bans Pro-Family Flag appeared first on National File. Visit NationalFile.com for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.