Retired Model And #WalkAway Democrat Silenced By Big Tech – Now She’s Speaking Out

The Gateway Pundit has reported over the years about the censorship from the big tech media.

This week an Instagram influencer shared her story about tech censorship.

Big Tech nuked her  accounts for exposing the truth and for being a Trump supporter.

This is her story:

My name is Sherilynn “Cheri” Macale. I’m a former die-hard liberal progressive Democrat and “Leftist”. I’m also an Instagram influencer and recently retired model (@heycheri) who walked away from the Left after discovering the lies I’d been fed by the mainstream liberal media. These were lies that convinced me I should hate the President, believe all Republicans are racists, and that all Trump supporters are white supremacists. Now, after using my influence to speak up about the fake news diet we’ve all been steadily fed, Big Tech has banned and silenced me.

When I created @politicheri on Twitter, I was simply looking for an outlet where I could connect with other patriots and learn more about the Right. As a recently awakened and new conservative, all I knew was what the Left allowed me to know, and I was eager to break out of my echo chamber. I created a #WalkAway video that quickly went viral. It was shared over 10k+ times, had over 25k+ likes, and over 100k+ comments. My account grew to 25k+ followers seemingly overnight.

Then, Twitter banned me for “suspicious activity” and refused to restore my account after multiple appeals. This happened on August 20, 2020. I have not had access to my Twitter account for MONTHS. The last thing I tweeted was about 1984 and Animal Farm, and the eerie similarities between classic Orwellian novels and the modern Democrat Media Complex.

Angered by censorship I’d never experienced before, I created @redpillfairy on Instagram, and started a right wing podcast called “Red Pill Report” ( to share everything I’d discovered, and offer my perspective as a former Leftist turned Right-Wing Conservative. @redpillfairy quickly grew to ~11K followers in only two months. I used my account to create shareable memes promoting the positive things the Trump Administration has done. I was careful to avoid anything related to “Q” as I prefer to base my content on constitutional law, history, and policy — verifiable information about the Right and the current administration.

Examples of the sort of memes I shared:

I also used my Instagram account to promote “The Binder” (my own version of Kayleigh McEnany’s binder she uses while speaking to the media at White House press briefings to smack down their inane questions). The Binder was an easily-searchable, tagged, and organized digital resource of living links, articles, and multimedia content all collected to help patriots like me more easily “red pill” their friends and wake them up from the same Leftist indoctrination that I once fell for. Here is just a small example of the folders in The Binder (these folders go on seemingly forever):

The Binder was effective. My memes and videos were effective. They were being shared everywhere. Thus, the insane growth in such a short amount of time. On my Instagram, I kept a highlight of all the patriots who’d reached out to thank me for helping them “red pill” their friends. I kept screenshots of all the times patriots credited my page as a resource for fighting the media narrative and stored these in my story highlights. All of my content was designed to help others start conversations with their leftist friends, and it WORKED.

Then, Instagram disabled my account (@redpillfairy). How dare I, after all, promote Trump? Speak out against communism by publicly dissecting the Communist Manifesto in my stories? Dare to discuss the Federalist Papers, Saul Alinsky, and Karl Marx? How dare I ask questions about BLM and Antifa? How dare I question Big Brother AT ALL?

In response to this next level censorship, I’ve moved to Parler (@redpillfairy) and created a form where anyone who has as LITTLE political power as I do can fill out their information. This way, we can keep track of who has been censored. I hope to arm congress or potential legal representation with the data for future recourse. SOMEONE has to do something. We can’t just sit around and wait for someone to swoop in and save us. WE have to take action.

You can find this form here:

It’s strange … My modeling account with just about 300k followers (@heycheri) has NEVER received threat of censorship, despite me posting practically NAKED photos of myself on it in the past which garnered millions of Likes (these posts are archived; I retired from modeling after discovering progressivism has brainwashed me to believe sexuality validates my existence). Although, I’m sure after this article comes out, Instagram will retaliate and ban my influencer account as well.

If you’re a liberal Democrat reading this and don’t believe the censorship is real, I have news for you: this sort of censorship has been used throughout history to silence political ideologies, and it’s still happening today. This is the tyranny America was founded to escape. And the scary part isn’t that they’re coming for people like me. When people like YOU allow the suppression of free speech, these tyrants will eventually come for YOU. Stake your claim on freedom NOW.


The post Retired Model And #WalkAway Democrat Silenced By Big Tech – Now She’s Speaking Out appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.