SUSPICIOUS: Minnesota, Wisconsin Both Had Unrealistic 89%-90% Voter Turnout

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With an estimated 161 million voters turning out this election cycle we are seeing historic voter turnout percentages across the country. But even with the increased mail-in voter participation and the extended deadlines, it is statistically unlikely that any state would reach the 90 percent voter turnout number.

But that’s what we are supposed to believe when it comes to the voter turnout in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

According to voting totals researched by Fred Sauer at GatewayPundit, Minnesota has experienced a 90 percent voter turnout in the 2020 General Election. Minnesota’s average voter turnout in the previous four General Election cycles was a distant 77 percent.

So, too, did Wisconsin see a dramatic increase in its voter turn out. This election cycle they experienced an 89 percent voter turnout where their previous four General Election cycle average stands at 69.75 percent.

By contrast – and adjusting for population, Florida achieved a 79 percent voter turnout, Iowa a 75 percent turn out and Texas a 69 percent voter turnout.

The recognized battle ground states had turn outs of:

  • Pennsylvania – 66 percent
  • Ohio – 65 percent
  • Michigan – 74 percent

On Minnesota and Wisconsin, National File recently reported that Biden received a suspicious 100% of votes counted during late night vote counting:

An analysis of the state and county hourly voting tallies in both Wisconsin and Michigan reveals significant jumps in Democrat candidate Joe Biden’s vote totals. These vote total jumps – which came in single instance ballot dumps as reported by ABC News and Nate Silver’s Five-Thirty-Eight.

In Wisconsin, at between 2 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. ET, the total number of votes increased by 125,000. Of these 125,000 votes, 100% were for Biden, without a single vote for President Trump recorded.

Minnesota and Wisconsin find themselves this election cycle as critical must-win states for both candidates. Minnesota carries an Electoral College weight of 10 votes as does Wisconsin.


The post SUSPICIOUS: Minnesota, Wisconsin Both Had Unrealistic 89%-90% Voter Turnout appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.