Biden Leads PA After 700,000 Votes Found in Philadelphia, Sheriff Refuses Order Allowing GOP Observers

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Overnight, literally, on the second day after the 2020 General Election, the sizable lead that Republican President Donald Trump held over his challenger, Democrat candidate Joe Biden, vanished into thin air as more mystery ballots emerged.

Just as in the dark-of-night ballot dumps in Wisconsin and Michigan that bumped Biden up in the vote totals by tranches of 150,000 and 200,000 votes – with not a single vote in those dumps was tallied for the Trump campaign. The statistical viability of that happening is zero.

On Election Night, President Trump had a lead in Pennsylvania that by all mathematical calculations was insurmountable. No matter which way you rolled the numbers, there was no way he could legitimately lose. Analysts agreed that even with mail in ballots – and calculating for a good amount of voter fraud, Biden couldn’t recover.

Then, with no precedent for doing so, at approximately 11pm, the Secretary of State gave the okay to shut tabulations down until morning.

On Wednesday morning, Election Day Plus One, it was reported that with 64% of the ballots counted President Trump led Biden by 675,012; 2,965,636 votes to Biden’s 2,290,624 votes. Ever since that margin has been diminished.

Since Wednesday, an unignorable number of complaints of voter fraud, ballot tampering, and vote-counting observation obstruction – complete with documentation video – have been reported in Pennsylvania.

In one instance, Democrat election judges/vote tabulators refused to let Republican vote-count observers watch the process. To add to the illegality of what was happening, in the face of a court order to allow the Republicans access to observe, the Secretary of State still refused to order access for the Republicans and the Democrat Sheriff refused to execute the court order.

This morning, Election Day Plus Three, Pennsylvania reports that Biden is up by 6,826 votes with 3,297,614 votes to President Trump’s 3,290,788.

The Trump campaign has entered into litigation over this obvious voter fraud and ballot tampering scheme that Democrats are perpetrating on the whole of the country. The question is this. Will it make a difference?

The post Biden Leads PA After 700,000 Votes Found in Philadelphia, Sheriff Refuses Order Allowing GOP Observers appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.