FLIMSY: Lindsey Graham Says Biden Should Get Intel Briefings

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A mere nine days after winning re-election to the U.S. Senate on the back of President Donald J. Trump, one Republican Senator says former Vice President Joe Biden should be receiving intelligence briefings right away.

“Yeah, I think he should,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told CNN Thursday.

Graham, known as “Flimsy Lindsey” for his constant flip-flopping, has sometimes been an ally to Trump, and is perhaps best known for defending Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Justice Brett Kavanaugh when Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee attempted to derail his confirmation process in 2018.

But Graham appears to be siding with Biden as the dust from the 2020 election continues to settle.

The media have declared Biden the winner of the 2020 election, referring to him as “President-Elect.” Election results have not been certified by a majority of the states, and Trump is fighting for his political life, filing lawsuits in many swing states over alleged voter fraud.

President Trump won a lawsuit in Pennsylvania Thursday barring the state from counting ballots wherein proof of identification was not received by Nov. 9.

Graham is the second Republican U.S. Senator to become bearish on Trump’s re-election.

Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) demanded Wednesday that Biden be allowed to receive intelligence briefings.

“There’s nothing wrong with Vice President Biden getting the briefings to be able to prepare himself,” Lankford said in an interview with a local radio station, threatening to “step in” if Biden is not being briefed by Friday.

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The post FLIMSY: Lindsey Graham Says Biden Should Get Intel Briefings appeared first on National File. Visit NationalFile.com for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.