UK Announces “Green Industrial Revolution” With Ban On Gas Cars

By John Vibes

While a “Green New Deal” is perceived as a fringe idea in US politics, the UK government is moving forward with a plan called the “Green Industrial Revolution,” which includes a ban on gas vehicles by 2030.

The plan was announced by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson this week. Johnson promised that the plan would address environmental concerns while also creating up to 250,000 jobs.

In addition to banning gas and diesel cars in the next 10 years, the plan also calls for a 4x increase of offshore wind power capacity in the same period of time. Although it is important to note that the sale of some hybrid cars and vans will still be legal until 2035.

Additionally, the government also promises to plant 30,000 hectares of trees, while investing £200 million in carbon capture initiatives. Money will also be spent on measures to reduce energy usage, including £1 billion to insulate homes and public buildings as soon as next year.

However, the plan had critics on both sides of the aisle, with the Labour party calling the plan “deeply, deeply disappointing” saying that it would not properly address the environment or replenish the jobs that were lost during the pandemic. Environmental activists have also criticized certain points of the plan, particularly the government’s intent to expand nuclear and hydrogen power.

The program is projected to cost an estimated £12 billion.

Greenpeace responded to the announcement with both praise and criticism.

“This landmark announcement signals the end of the road for polluting cars and vans and a historic turning point on climate action,” Rebecca Newsom, Greenpeace UK’s head of politics said, adding that, “It’s a shame the prime minister remains fixated on other speculative solutions, such as nuclear and hydrogen from fossil fuels, that will not be taking us to zero emissions anytime soon, if ever.”

Other critics say that this is more of a symbolic measure than one that will provide relief for people who are struggling right now.

Ed Miliband, the shadow business secretary, believes that the government has not set aside enough money for economic relief. Miliband has called for £30 billion to be spent over the next 18 months.

“People are losing their jobs now. This isn’t fundamentally a green stimulus, it’s nowhere near the scale of what is required. This announcement doesn’t remotely meet the scale of the jobs emergency or the climate emergency. France and Germany are investing tens of billions of euros. This provides, at best, £4bn of new money over several years,” Miliband said.

“What we needed was a really bold green economic stimulus, and what we got was a pale imitation of that. It’s deeply, deeply disappointing,” he added.


John Vibes is an author, researcher and investigative journalist who takes a special interest in the counter culture and the drug war.

Top image: Pixabay

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UK Announces “Green Industrial Revolution” With Ban On Gas Cars