SWORN AFFIDAVITS: Georgia Recount Plagued by Potential Voter Fraud, Ballot Tampering

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In the most critical recount taking place – and not just for the presidential election, officials and observers in recount centers across Georgia are swearing out affidavits about the abnormalities and instances of improper procedures in the recount of the 2020 General Election ballots.

Observers and recount officials in Fulton, DeKalb, and Cobb Counties to include an election official auditor, an election recount monitor, a credentialed statewide poll watcher, and several recount observers, raised red-flags of vote fraud and ballot tampering in sworn affidavits – documents that hold them to penalties of perjury, and filed as exhibits in the Georgia lawsuit brought by attorney L. Lin Wood Jr.

One Fulton County poll manager, with 20-years of experience in that role, said she saw ballot boxes sealed with packing tape and adorned with unsigned Secretary of State seals. She stated there was no way to discern from where the ballots originated.

The poll manager also pointed out that many of the ballots appeared to be “pristine” or unhandled and that several batches had markings for the candidates that were “unusually uniform, perhaps even with a ballot-marking device.” She noted that 98 percent of those ballots were for Biden.

At the end of her affidavit she stated that she was convinced beyond all doubt that, “additional absentee ballots had been added in a fraudulent manner.”

Another observer, this time at the Cobb County Poll Precinct and who identified herself as a Democrat, noted how she saw poll workers counting the ballots in silence and not verifying the names aloud. This constituted improper ballot handling.

She also described unusual sets of ballots as the poll manager in Fulton County had described.

In sworn testimony, the observer said, “hundreds of these ballots seemed impeccable, with no folds or creases. The bubble selections were perfectly made (all within the circle), only observed sections in black ink, and all happened to be selections for Biden.”

The observer continued to testify that “signatures were not being verified” and there “were no corresponding envelopes seen in site.” She concluded her sworn statement, “I believe there was fraud committed in the presidential election and question the validity of the Georgia recount process.”

Other abnormalities included: concerns that “additional absentee ballots had been added in a fraudulent manner”; the late arrival and unsecured nature of voting machines at tabulation centers; and the improper counting of ballots.

Georgia is the epicenter of the 2020 election. Aside from the recount underway, it is center stage with its US Senate run-off election on January 5, 2021. That run-off election will determine whether Republicans or Democrats control the US Senate.

Should Democrats win those Senate races – and should Joe Biden prevail in the presidential race, the country will fall into one party rule.

The post SWORN AFFIDAVITS: Georgia Recount Plagued by Potential Voter Fraud, Ballot Tampering appeared first on National File. Visit NationalFile.com for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.