CRAZY: New York Governor Cuomo will Receive an Emmy for His Work With COVID – Ignoring Tens of Thousands Who Died from His Insane Nursing Home Policies

It’s official – the world has gone mad.  Upside down is now right-side up!

It’s now official that corrupt New York Governor Cuomo is getting an Emmy for his efforts with COVID:

And the Emmy for Best Acting as a Sitting Governor goes to …

Gov. Andrew Cuomo — who’s been blamed for letting the deadly coronavirus run rampant in New York’s nursing homes — is set to receive an International Emmy award for his daily TV briefings about the disease.

But it won’t be for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Real-Life Drama.

Instead, Cuomo will be recognized for his “effective use of television during the pandemic,” the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences announced Friday.

What the Academy is not reporting is what we reported in May:

New York’s Governor ‘Killer Cuomo’ Is Now Joined by His Corrupt AG In Delaying the Truth on New York State’s COVID Deaths

Back in May we reported that New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo, Health Commissioner Howard Zucker, MD and Executive Deputy Commissioner Sally Dreslin’s actions led to thousands of deaths in New York state.

Yaacov Apelbaum at the Illustrated Primer shared that these New York politicians are accountable for thousands of nursing home deaths because of their insane directives related to the China coronavirus.

Apelbaum first pointed out the ludicrous directive from New York’s Department of Health, including:

During this global health emergency, all NHs [nursing homes] must comply with the expedited receipt of residents returning from hospitals to NHs.


No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.

As we reported in May, the reason for the Cuomo’s insane directives was related to money:

In 2018, as Governor Andrew Cuomo faced a challenge to his reelection bid in the New York State Democratic primary, he got a last minute $1m cash infusion from the General New York Hospital Association (GNYHA)—a powerful NY healthcare industry group. On April 2, 2020, he repaid the favor when he quietly signed legislation shielding hospital and nursing home executives from any lawsuits stemming from the coronavirus outbreak. The clauses, inserted into the annual budget bill by Cuomo, gave blanket immunity protections for healthcare industry executive and administrators, the same individuals and institutions that have made a fortune moving sick Covid-19 patients to nursing homes.

The GNYHA gave to the Democrats an unheard of $3 million in the 2018 election cycle. Of this, Cuomo and his state party committee received close to $2.3m from various hospitals and nursing home industry donors. Governor Cuomo returned the favor with his directive forcing COVID-19 patients back into elderly homes. This directive provided a massive increase in revenues to organizations associated with the GNYHA who were paid handsomely for COVID patients. It was a bonanza for these entities.

The impact of this decision on elderly New Yorkers in nursing homes is the elderly in these nursing homes spread the disease and died. They died at the worst rate in the country (now behind only New Jersey) and the world.

The Gateway Pundit reported numerous times that the mortality rates for the China coronavirus are not much worse than a bad flu season across the US with the exception of New York and New Jersey. The death rates in these areas are way above the rest of the country and the world for that matter. It is clear that Governor Cuomo’s policies in New York led to the unnecessary massive number of deaths in the state.

We next reported that Cuomo’s insane and deadly policies not only targeted nursing homes, they also targeted adult care facilities and group homes for people with disabilities.

The March 25 nursing home edict issued by the New York state (NYS) Department of Health (DOH) is NOT the only order NYS enacted, which mandated that Covid-19 infected patients got sent into congregate care facilities from hospitals. NYS ALSO sent COVID-19 infected patients into adult care facilities (ACFs) and into group homes managed under the NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).

Here are links the directives in New York:

Enacted March 25, 2020, Nursing Homes: (Note this has been taken down but is noted above.)

Enacted April 7, 2020, Adult Care Facilities: (This URL no longer works. Here is the policy:

Enacted April 10, 2020, NYS OPWDD Certified Residential Facilities: (In case the above has been deleted:

Janice Dean from FOX News lost both her parents-in-law to COVID-19 in New York. She wrote an oped on the matter at USA Today. Below is a video that describes the entire deadly scandal:

Currently there is a fight over finding out how many senior citizens actually died of Covid-19 in New York State’s nursing homes, including those who were transferred to a hospital and who died there. The fight is between grieving families who lost loved ones and the power-hungry Democratic governor. Unfortunately, the state whose government is entirely controlled by progressive Democrats.

The U.S. Department of Justice just sent a SECOND letter to the Cuomo administration, a follow-up to its first one dated August 26, signaling its clear intent to not only continue but to widen its investigation into the massive number of senior citizen nursing homes deaths which occurred on Cuomo’s Covid-19 watch.

The well-respected government watchdog in Albany, the Empire Center for Public Policy (ECPP) is defending the people’s right to Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) data, and the disclosure of the ACTUAL number of nursing home deaths.  After receiving a ridiculous FOIL denial from the DOH, the ECPP turned around and took that agency to court. Now joining the Cuomo/Zucker team is Letitia James, New York’s corrupt Attorney General.  James, like Cuomo, is also a progressive Democrat.

New York has the highest number of COVID deaths in the nation roughly doubling the state with the second most number of deaths for months.  The number of nursing home deaths due to Covid-19 is 6,672 in New York State but the number is expected to be multiples of that.

The Emmy’s and Governor Cuomo are a horrible joke.

The post CRAZY: New York Governor Cuomo will Receive an Emmy for His Work With COVID – Ignoring Tens of Thousands Who Died from His Insane Nursing Home Policies appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.