Reports: Buildings Near Capitol Being Evacuated Due to Suspected Pipe Bomb

As Congress meets in a joint session to certify the Electoral College votes for president at 1 p.m. Wednesday, chaos has broken out on Capitol Hill with Trump supporters storming the grounds. Now reports are coming in of buildings, including the Madison building belonging to the Library of Congress, on the House side are being evacuated due to a suspected pipe bomb. The cannon House Office Building was also ordered evacuated.

Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard, “Hearing the Capitol Police evacuating buildings around the GOP Capitol Hill Club, including parts of the LOC Madison bldg, apartments, and House Cannon bldg…rumors of pipe bomb in back of the club…”

Roll Call reporter Chris Marquette, “Capitol Police alert: EVACUATE: Madison due to Police Activity. * Remain calm and move in a safe manner to the exits. * If nearby, take annunciators on the way out. * Close doors behind you but do not lock. * Proceed immediately to your designated assembly area”

Bloomberg’s Josh Wingrove, “Congressional offices have now also been told to evacuate the Cannon building.”

Trump supporters storming the West Front of the Capitol:

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