BREAKING: DC Police Deploy Flash Bangs, Tear Gas, Punches Against Trump Supporters After Pence’s Betrayal

DC Police have deployed flash bangs, tear gas, and punches against supporters of President Trump outside the Capitol Building after Pence betrayed him.

Mass unrest is currently taking place right by the steps of the Capitol Building in Washington DC, as Congress currently debates the Electoral College votes. At the time of writing, debate is currently taking place regarding an objection to the votes from Arizona, brought up by Representative Paul Gosar and Senator Ted Cruz.

However, as National File reported, Mike Pence has declared that he will not be standing by President Trump, and has rejected his constitutional authority to reject Electors unilaterally. Minutes after Pence announced this in a statement, supporters of President Trump have stormed the Capitol Building, breaking through numerous federal police lines.

The Blaze’s Elijah Schaffer described the scenes as the “craziest thing” he’s seen in his whole life, saying that the police cannot stop them from tearing down four layers of security fencing.

Reports are now coming out that DC Police are hitting back hard against the patriots on the ground outside the Capitol Building, with videos showing flash bangs being thrown into the crowds of Trump supporters, and tear gas being deployed. Unconfirmed reports also suggest that mace has been used.

Further videos of fighting between DC police and Trump supporters show blood all over the ground outside the Capitol.

Footage also shows DC police officers behind the lines of fencing, throwing punches straight at supporters of President Trump, initiating violence. It is unclear if this situation has been replicated across the capital.

Unconfirmed reports also suggest that bomb squads have arrived on the scene outside the Capitol Building. At the time of writing, there have been no known publicised bomb threats towards Congress.

National File will continue to bring you updates throughout the day.