Rep. Lauren Boebert Faces Lawsuit After Blocking Crazed Antifa Activist On Twitter

Lauren Boebert, Bri Buentello

Freshman Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is in the crosshairs of the Left’s double-standard, cancel culture censorship campaign after she blocked a Twitter troll who was sending harassing tweets to her.

A former Colorado State Representative, Bri Buentello, was blocked on Twitter by Boebert after Buentello peppered the Congresswoman-Elect with harassing tweets including posts about initiating a recall election against Boebert.

One tweet said, “Daily reminder that @laurenboebert // @RepBoebert is a white supremacist and unapologetic fascist. #ExpelBoebert #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy #copolitics”

Another read, “Not only is @RepBoebert // @laurenboebert complicit and sympathetic with these #DomesticTerrorists, she added and abetted their violent takeover of our Capitol, targeting our leaders. Pueblo deserves better. #ResignBoebert #Sedition #SeditiousGOP #copolitics”

And another read, “Our very own homegrown fascist, making national news and #CO03 is just so, so very proud. /sarcasm/ #copolitics”

Buentello’s attorneys argued that in blocking Buentello from her Twitter page, Boebert has violated their client’s constitutional right to free speech.

“She (Boebert) believes the Constitution begins and ends with the Second Amendment. We are trying to teacher her that the Constitution is broader and that every provision has to be protected,” one of Buentello’s attorneys said.

Ironically, Buentello’s profile picture on her twitter account shows her holding a rifle.

Buentello, who in a resident in Boebert’s district, was defeated in her bid for a second term in the Colorado State House last November.

Buentello’s lawsuit comes in the aftermath of the temporary deplatforming of Parler by Amazon AWS, and the actual censoring of the free speech of millions of Americans by Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, including President Trump and his staff.