BIDEN: It Was ‘Bad Policy’ For Pipeline Workers To Be Employed, Jobs Needed ‘Eliminating’ Through Executive Orders

Yesterday, speaking from the Oval Office through two masks, Joe Biden declared that his ruling exclusively through executive orders – which he previously claimed would be a comparable to ruling as a dictator – is only to fix “bad policy” leftover from the Trump administration. According to Biden, this means it was “bad policy” for thousands of Keystone Pipeline workers to have jobs.

“There’s a lot of talk, with good reason, about the number of executive orders that I have signed,” said Biden. “I’m not making new law, I’m eliminating bad policy.”

It is unclear why Biden believes pipeline workers being employed was bad policy, but one of Biden’s first executive orders was to eliminate the pipeline’s construction, immediately terminating an estimated 50,000 American jobs both directly and indirectly related to the construction.

The job-killing executive order also caused an international incident, as it destroyed thousands of jobs in Canada as well, and led the Permier of Alberta to threaten sanctions against the United States.

A brief review of the seemingly never ending list of executive orders signed by Biden also indicates he was blatantly lying.

To date, Biden has signed a whopping 45 executive orders.

Of these 45, per CNN, only 16 were reversing previous executive orders from President Donald Trump or other presidents.

In other words, while Biden claimed he was only ending bad policy and not writing new laws with his maddening number of executive orders, in reality only 35% of his executive orders had anything to do with existing policy.

Among his executive orders that essentially represent the President writing office with a phone and a pen, one executive order “Elevates climate change as an essential element of US foreign policy and national security and kicks off development of a new emissions reduction target.”

Another allows biological men to play women’s sports.

A third “Directs FEMA to create federally-supported community vaccination centers.”

A fourth represents a national mask mandate, requiring “mask wearing in airports and on certain modes of transportation, including many trains, airplanes, maritime vessels and intercity buses. International travelers must provide proof of a negative Covid-19 test prior to coming to the US.”

Biden may not realize he lied to the American people, however, as he famously was heard on video saying “I don’t know what I’m signing” when an executive order was placed in front of him. Biden signed it anyway.