“Finish What President Trump Started”-Texas Rep Introduces Bill To Finish Border Wall In Texas

Texas State Rep. Bryan Slayton (R) has introduced a bill to finish the border wall in Texas.

From The Texan.news:

Rep. Bryan Slaton (R-Canton) filed legislation on Thursday to direct the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to finish former President Trump’s border wall project using state funds.
The state representative contended that President Biden should not stop Texans from finishing what the last administration started.

“President Trump fought to bring real border security and was opposed by Republicans and Democrats in Congress. While hundreds of miles of new wall were built under his leadership, the Biden administration has already ceased border wall construction,” Slaton said in a press statement.

“It is time for Texas to stand up and finish the work that President Trump started. Let’s finish building the border wall now,” he added.

Even with the political establishment lined up against him, Trump was able to complete hundreds of miles of the border wall.

Terribly, Joe Biden has halted the construction of the border wall, making Americans less safe and costing the U.S. jobs.

Biden’s Actions to Stop Building the Southern Border Wall Cost Jobs and Money While Making the Entire Country Less Safe

Biden’s Order to Stop Trump’s Border Wall Construction Will Be Costly and Also It’s Likely Illegal

The legislation also requires any contractor working on the project to use e-verify – a program that makes sure those who are being hired are legal Americans and not illegal aliens.

Build The Wall!

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