Homeless Drug Addicts Make Camp 15 Feet Away From Military Occupation Zone of U.S. Capitol

New photos have emerged showing a homeless camp that has emerged only 15 feet away from the military occupied zone of Washington, D.C., created in the aftermath of the mostly peaceful Capitol Hill protests on January 6.

David Hookstead, a reporter for The Daily Caller, posted two images of the military occupation zone, writing “Military lockdown is still upon us. Massive trucks everywhere, military members patrolling and razor sharp wire to keep people far away.”

In a second post, Hookstead posted a photo of a homeless camp that has spawned near the military occupied zone.

“Right across the street 15 feet away is a massive homeless camp with people doing drugs out in the open,” wrote Hookstead. “Our tax dollars at work. Citizens kept away from the Capitol using military force as homeless people overrun the neighborhoods doing drugs.”

As National File reported, it appears the military occupation of Washington, D.C. will be here for some time. In February, the Biden regime reportedly demanded it stay in place until the fall of this year:

The Biden Administration is planning to keep National Guard troops in Washington, DC through the end of 2021. The National Security Council is also considering deploying additional active duty and reserve troops.

7,000 National Guard troops have been authorized to be deployed in our nation’s capital until March 12, costing nearly half a billion dollars, as reported by WTTG-TV in Washington, D.C.

This comes despite concerns from the National Guard that they cannot sustain current levels of occupation, even as Democrats clamor for a permanent militarized Capitol.

This was seemingly confirmed last week, when the National Guard confirmed it has been asked to remain in the area for at least another 10 weeks.

Since their occupation began, large numbers of the National Guard soldiers stationed in the capitol have been poisoned with under cooked food and metal shavings. In just one day, 74 reported receiving under cooked beef, and the day prior, soldiers reported finding metal shavings in their lunch.