New Video from Joe Dan Gorman’s Intellectual Froglegs “DC vs. AMERICA” Is Informative, Entertaining and Excellent!

As 2021 kicks off, our friend Joe Dan Gorman at Intellectual Froglegs provides an emotional and entertaining video to start the year – DC vs America.

Joe Dan Gorman put together his first video of 2021 and it is perfect. 

Here’s what Joe Dan says:

History is repeating…  including recent history.  But so many of my fellow Trump Supporters didn’t start paying attention to American political landscape until 2016—so they think this is new.  It’s not.

In addition to the parallels to the tyranny of 1776— you need only look back to 2008-2010 to see near identical tactics and narratives (voter fraud, racism everywhere, open borders, pandemic planning, government over-reach)…  not only by the left… but more importantly the duplicitous GOP.  The only difference—is the left is louder and more aggressive, the destructive issues are the same.

This is an excellent and uplifting video – hope you enjoy and share it.  God bless the USA Intellectual Froglegs style.

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