Members of the Guam National Guard Pay GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene a Visit After She Called the US Territory a Foreign Land (VIDEO)

This is Joe Biden’s America.

GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene falsely called Guam a foreign territory so soldiers were sent to her office to teach her a lesson.

Guam has been a US territory for more than 120 years, but the freshman lawmaker referred to Guam as a foreign land during her CPAC speech last month.

Instead of brushing off Greene’s comments as a small oversight, Guam Rep. Michael F.Q. San Nicolas and members of the Guam National Guard paid a visit to Rep. Greene’s office on Monday.

The troops brought Greene Chamorro Chip Cookies and when they found out she wasn’t in her office, they demanded to know when she would return.

Why are the troops being used as political props? Why is DC politicizing the military?


Did Democrat Rep. Hank Johnson get a visit from the Guam National Guard after he said Guam would tip over and capsize?

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