Video: Imagine The Frothing Hysteria From Leftists If Trump Advocated Blocking Out The Sun

As the likes of the New York Times continue to seriously push calls from Bill Gates funded ‘scientists’ to experiment with dimming The Sun to combat climate change, one commentator asked viewers to imagine the reaction if President Trump had suggested the exact same thing.

Fox News commentator Greg Gutfeld noted that leftists would “freak out” if the scheme had been adopted by Trump.

“I ask you this, what if this had come out of Trump’s mouth in an interview when a reporter says, ‘President Trump, President Trump how would you reduce global warming?’ He’d look at him and he’d go ‘why not block the sun?’ They would freak out! What are you, nuts? You’re nuts!” Gutfeld said.

Gutfeld sarcastically continued, “No, this is actually in The New York Times and they have solar engineers and experts saying, so actually I am behind this 100%. I’m behind it 100%. I can’t wait.”

“I don’t know if it’s that crazy of an idea because you’ve got solar engineers involved and I like engineers, and the thing is it is easier to block the sun than to put sunblock all over the Earth,” he added.

As we reported last week, an effort to dim the sun has been scrapped by the Swedish Space Agency, who announced that the SCoPEx program, funded by Bill Gates, has ‘divided the scientific community’ and will therefore not be carried out.

The idea comes off as a weird vampirish effort to starve the planet of sunlight, the driver of all life, with little scientific logic behind it at all.

Bill Gates, who is flogging a book about climate change, has poured millions into geoengineerng, funnelling at least $4.6 million to the lead researcher on SCoPEx, Harvard applied physics scientist David Keith.

Keith told Reuters that it is only “a setback,” however, and suggested the project could move to the US, where the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine recently published a report calling for $100-200 million to be pumped into solar geoengineering over the next five years.

Gates has repeatedly lauded the notion of dimming the Sun, noteably during a Ted Talk in 2010: