Entertaining and Informative – Jovan Pulitzer and TGP’s Jim and Joe Hoft Interview (VIDEO)

Noted inventor and data analyst Jovan Hutton Pulitzer joined Jim and Joe Hoft from The Gateway Pundit today at 4 PM Eastern to discuss the latest updates in the patriotic movement for election integrity.

Jovan shared breaking news on the Democrat Party’s attempts to steal the elections from 2020 and beyond.

The Democrats are attempting to push through Congress a bill that will change elections forever.  We’ve reported on HR1 previously:

SHOCKING: The Democrats’ First Bill of 2021 Is to Lock In Fraudulent Election Maneuvers and Steal Elections in Perpetuity

Pulitzer shared that HR1 is written like it is doing what it is not.  They always do this.  HR1 is – “For the People Act of 2021“  It is everything but that.

Also, Pulitzer discussed the latest breaking news related to the Biden Attorney General’s attempt to crack down on audits by ensuring they abide by election laws.

Jovan shared, “America wants answers.  America understands kinematic artifacts… a discipline… easy to understand.”  It is really weird that this technology that came about in the ’80s is not being used today in elections.

Pulitzer talked about the ‘target’ on ballots that may be out of compliance which will impact the results of the election.  We reported on this today:

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE – HUGE: Ballot Printing Companies Better Lawyer Up – 2020 Ballots Were Modified in Multiple Republican Areas Forcing Adjudication and Potential Fraudulent Vote Switching

The interview was loaded with information but also very entertaining.

You can watch it here:

The video is also on Rumble:

It can also be viewed at Jovan’s sites links are www.Facebook.com/JovanHuttonPulitzer and www.YouTube.com/JovanHuttonPulitzer

Please know that there are a number of Americans who are fighting for fair and free elections.  

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