REPORT: Raffensperger Exposed For Allegedly Staging Fake Election Audit In November, Documents Show

Brad Raffensperger, Ballot

An explosive report by the Gateway Pundit has revealed that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger appears to have staged a fake election audit in November, as revealed in documents received through a FOIA request by Kevin Moncla.

Prior to the full forensic audit of Maricopa County in Arizona launched by the Arizona Senate that has revealed enough evidence of voter fraud to change the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election, it was revealed by the Gateway Pundit in January that the firms initially selected by Maricopa County in Arizona to perform previous audits of the 2020 election “were not certified when they were selected by the county as had been claimed.” According to another report, one of the firms selected by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors known as Pro V&V, was “also used by corrupt Brad Raffensperger in Georgia in performing an audit there in November 2020 after the early November election.”

“Raffensperger used a firm to audit the Dominion voting machines before and after the 2020 election.  But Raffensperger withheld information on the audit firm and actually lied about its certifications.”

Raffensperger championed the results of the Pro V&V audit, suggesting that it confirmed the results of the election. “Pro V&V found no evidence of the machines being tampered,” Raffensperger said in a statement. “We are glad but not surprised that the audit of the state’s voting machines was an unqualified success.” However, according to a new report by Kevin Moncla, the “actual audit report by Pro V&V could not be found anywhere.  After an exhaustive search, and in disbelief that the audit report had gone unpublished, we submitted a FOIA request to the state of Georgia for records of the audit.”

When the FOIA request came back, three documents were attached to the email sent by Pro V&V owner Jack Cobb. The first document is presumed to be a memo from Pro V&V “outlining the details of the work as requested by the Secretary of State.” The second document appeared to be an email from Raffensperger’s office approving the work detailed in the Pro V&V memo. The third document served as “the resulting Pro V&V audit report,” however, Moncla noticed that the date of the document was July 16, 2021.

The revelation that the document was created by Pro V&V owner Jack Cobb just last Friday “leaves little possibility for any plausible explanation other than the Georgia Secretary of State’s office contacted Pro V&V who created the memo to provide in response to our FOIA request,” according to the Gateway Pundit report.

“Not only was the audit performed by an uncertified vendor at the time, but the report also states that both four and six counties were selected for review in their audit.  The firm looked at no ballots.

To think that Pro V&V looked at only a few machines and no ballots to make their decision is shameful.”

This comes as the election integrity nonprofit organization Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia (VoterGA) released a statement claiming that evidence shows that the rate of election discrepancies may be even higher in other Georgia counties besides Fulton. VoterGA showcased a trove of evidence indicating that the error reporting rate in Fulton County was a staggering 60%, as National File reported. 

“VoterGA announced today it has evidence election result discrepancies in other Georgia counties may be worse than those it presented for Fulton County at a VoterGA press conference Tuesday,” the press release stated. “The revelation came as VoterGA formalized its call for a truly independent, forensic audit of all county results for the November 3rd, 2020 and January 5th, 2021 elections.”

The voter fraud revelations making way into public view in Georgia have attributed to growing calls for Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to resign from office over their mishandling of evidence of voter fraud during the 2020 election. Republican candidate for Georgia Governor Vernon Jones exposed Raffensperger for lying to Georgia voters and the mainstream media about the integrity of the 2020 election, as National File reported.