Biden Flees Podium, Ignores Reporter Asking Why He Continues to Trust the Taliban – Then Immediately Calls a Lid (VIDEO)

Joe Biden showed up nearly one hour late for his presser on the US’s efforts to safely evacuate Americans trapped in Afghanistan.

After mumbling and slurring his way through prepared remarks, Biden took questions from a few pre-approved reporters.

A reporter from NPR called Joe Biden out for lying about what’s really going on in Afghanistan.

Biden falsely claimed Americans are able to safely get to Kabul airport.

According to sources on the ground, Americans are being beaten and injured by Taliban terrorists and stopped from boarding planes.

Biden made no sense whatsoever as he tried to push back on the reporter.

At one point Joe Biden had to turn to his incompetent Secretary of State for help because he was totally lost.

Biden then fled from the lectern as the reporter shouted: “Why do you continue to trust the Taliban?!”


After fleeing like a coward, Joe Biden called a lid for the rest of the day.

Biden will no longer be answering questions from pool reporters.

No reporters will have access to Joe Biden as the situation in Afghanistan rapidly deteriorates.

The post Biden Flees Podium, Ignores Reporter Asking Why He Continues to Trust the Taliban – Then Immediately Calls a Lid (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.