HUGE – Steve Bannon’s War Room – AZ State Rep. Mark Finchem: Election Investigation Could Go BEYOND Maricopa – “We’ve Been Conducting An Investigation In Pima County” (VIDEO)

Arizona State Representative Mark Finchem appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room yesterday to give updates on the Arizona audit, which he has taken beyond Maricopa County.

Part of the preliminary draft report was delivered to the Arizona Senate on Monday.

The Arizona Senate team will meet on Wednesday to analyze the report for accuracy, clarity, and proof of documentation.

The full final report will not be ready until the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors complies with legal and enforceable Senate subpoenas for the remaining election equipment.

Attorney General Brnovich needs to enforce these subpoenas as requested by Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli.

BREAKING: Sen. Karen Fann Releases Update on AZ Audit – Portion Delivered To Senate Today – Cyber Ninjas Have COVID – Review Begins Wednesday

With that, the mainstream media, progressive radical Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, and RINO Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer have released their “prebuttals” which attempt to discredit the audit and everybody involved.

The radical left and the uniparty RINOS are already concocting their defense before any real accusations have been made.

State Rep. Mark Finchem gave the following huge update.

Finchem: Now it’s in the hands of The Attorney General. The Attorney General will work to compel the delivery of the things that have not been delivered yet. Could there be a follow on report? probably. There’s also, we’ve been conducting an investigation down in Pima County. we’re trying to get that wrapped up so hopefully, within the next week or so,  the narrative is going to be strong for votes that are fictitious votes that we believe we found I mean you can’t have 114% of mail-in ballots.

Bannon: Hang on, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on. Are you saying this has got this report is going to say we got to, we got to go beyond Maricopa to Pima County and Pinal County which will get you about 80% of the state? 

Finchem: Yes sir. 

Bannon: That’s huge.

Finchem: But we have to remember. There’s a separation between what the Senate is doing. The Senate is engaged in Maricopa County. I’ve been working on Pima County. I’m the only elected Republican in Pima County, in the legislature. Nobody else has lifted a finger to take a look at this. So, that is the other major voting bloc in this, in the state of Arizona. Essentially you have Maricopa County and Pima County carry well an excess of 80%, 85% of the vote in the entire state. 

Bannon: They’re going to try to do more prebuttals. do you have any earthly idea, now I understand it’s being handed to the Senate of when this thing will be publicly released I’m sure some of that’s going to be leaked, but what do you think will be publicly released? Because this is gonna be a feeding frenzy, by the left to tear this apart and tear everybody that’s associated apart, Mark Finchem

Finchem: Yeah, I think the key to this Steve is today the report gets delivered to Senate leadership, they want a few days to fully understand what it is that they have received, the information that it contains, and then at some point, I expect to have a hearing that’s pretty much the way President Fann has conducted this business so far. I wouldn’t be surprised if that comes out either late this week or early next week to have a public hearing to reveal everything that’s in the report and to ask questions of the people who created the report.

Finchem has taken the lead in investigating Pima County, which borders Mexico and is home to nearly 4,000 potentially illegal “federal only” voters.

Mark Finchem is running for Arizona Secretary of State to restore election integrity in Arizona.

this report is expected to be released by the end of this week or early next week.

Now it’s in the hands of The Attorney General.

Contact Mark Brnovich and tell him what his constituents want.

(602) 542-5025

The post HUGE – Steve Bannon’s War Room – AZ State Rep. Mark Finchem: Election Investigation Could Go BEYOND Maricopa – “We’ve Been Conducting An Investigation In Pima County” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.