138 State Legislators Have Signed ‘New Declaration Of Independence’ Letter Led By Wendy Rogers

138 legislators from 38 states across America have signed what Arizona Wendy Rogers called the “new Declaration of Independence,” calling for a 50-state wide audit, decertification where appropriate, and potential convening of the US House of Representatives.

Rogers, who revealed the updated figure on Twitter Friday, introduced the letter at the end of the Arizona Audit hearing. In the letter, Rogers and the signatories call for states to audit their 2020 election results and decertify them where appropriate, and floats the possibility of a convening of the United States House of Representatives to reexamine the results of the last election.

This comes just before Former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis said that decertifying Arizona’s 2020 election results would be an “important step correcting the record” with respects to remedying fraud found in the 2020 Presidential Election.

President Donald Trump released a statement today revealing new findings from Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai regarding the 2020 election in Pima County, Arizona, in which he said that Dr. Shiva’s findings provide further proof that the 2020 election was fraudulent.

The analysis “means the election was Rigged and Stolen from the Republican Party in 2020, and in particular, its Presidential Candidate,” wrote President Trump. “This analysis, derived from publicly available election data, shows staggering anomalies and fictitious votes in Pima County’s mail-in returns, making it clear they stuffed the ballot box (in some precincts with more ballots than were ever sent!).”

The audit movement is gaining ground in Arizona as seen with the latest developments from Pima County, however Arizona AG Mark Brnovich and Arizona Senate President Karen Fann are in the spotlight due to the explosive audit results in Maricopa County and calls for the decertification of the 2020 election.

As National File reported, the results of the forensic audit of Maricopa County revealed enough potential fraud and voting irregularities to throw Joe Biden’s initial margin of “victory” into serious question, prompting calls from Arizona legislators and GOP Chair Kelli Ward for Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich to launch an investigation into Maricopa County’s handling of the last election.

Amid these calls, Brnovich posted a video of him playing with nunchucks. “You want the nunchucks,” Brnovich declared. “You got the nunchucks.”