Rogan Set to Take on Fauci Over Puppy Torture, Sparking New Clash With Mainstream Media

Podcast giant Joe Rogan is set to take Dr. Anthony Fauci to task over his link to disgusting NIH-funded experiments performed on beagle puppies that were locked in cages and infected with with disease-causing parasites.

An investigation by the White Coat Waste Project found that Fauci’s division of the National Institutes of Health “shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so that the insects could eat them alive.”

“They also locked beagles alone in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights to use them as bait to attract infectious sand flies,” the group asserts.

According to the report, the dogs even had their vocal chords severed so they wouldn’t annoy the researchers and couldn’t cry out in pain by barking.

Over the weekend, Rogan tweeted out a link to an article explaining how legislators are demanding a response from Fauci on the “cruel” experiments.

Expect the media to once again launch a coordinated smear campaign against Rogan for him having the temerity to challenge Fauci, who has been elevated to the status of deity by the establishment.

Taking the side of literal puppy torturers will be a challenging position to take, but no doubt the corporate press will do so anyway.

Over the last few weeks, Rogan has been at war with CNN after the network falsely claimed he had a taken a “horse dewormer” to battle COVID.

In reality, Ivermectin is widely used in humans and was prescribed to Rogan by a qualified doctor.

As we previously highlighted, CNN refused to apologize to Rogan and doubled down on their idiocy, leading Rogan to call host Don Lemon a “dumb motherfucker.”


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