Judge Schroeder Slams Media’s Handling Of Rittenhouse Trial: ‘Really Quite Frightening’

When considering whether to allow the jury to review specific evidence multiple times, Judge Bruce Schroeder made several statements about the media’s handling of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, and admitted that the media’s belligerent framing of the case has led him to reconsider whether he will allow future trials to be televised.

After the jury asked permission to review a clip multiple times, which experts say signals that the jury is far from a verdict, Judge Bruce Schroeder responded to several mainstream media criticisms of his handling of the trial picked up from local newspapers and television.

Apparently in response to a TIME article criticizing Schroeder for allowing the defendant, Kyle Rittenhouse, to randomly select the jury by picking names out of a tumbler, Schroeder said that this is a practice he has used for decades after he contemplated how it must feel for a black defendant to watch the Court choose his or her jurors. “What do they talk about? Optics, nowadays,” said Schroeder, “That was a bad optic, I thought.”

Regarding the defense’s motion for a mistrial, Schroeder offered what may even be criticism for the conservative media, explaining that the motion has been taken under advisement but that he will not make a decision until the prosecution has been able to respond. Though he received an oral motion last week, he received a written motion only two days ago.

“Some of the things that have been said too, I guess I’ll comment on that too,” Schroeder continued, defending the lawyers on both the defense and prosecution. “These are five very reputable, competent attorneys that I’ve practiced with for years and I think it’s shameful some of the things that are being done to these people.”

“When I talked about, problems with the media when this trial started, we’re there in part, not fully, because of grossly irresponsible handling of what comes out of this trial.” Schroeder then added that the media frenzy around the trial has led him to reconsider his long standing practice of allowing the televised broadcast of high profile trials in his court.

“I will tell you this, I’m going to think long and hard about live television at a trial again next time, I don’t know.” He explained, “I’ve always been a firm believer in it because I think the people should be allowed to see what’s going on, but when I see what’s being done, it’s really quite frightening.” Schroeder added, “Frightening, that’s the right word for it.”

As day two of jury deliberations continues with no end in sight, the jury has been forced to contend with small but organized and vocal protests happening outside of the court. Reportedly, jurors can hear the protesters’ chants, mostly declarations that black lives matter and demands that Kyle Rittenhouse be convicted.

Similarly, Judge Bruce Schroeder has become a target for the left. After a series of death threats targeted at the Schroeder family, they were given 24-hour police protection.

While the trial may be taxing for the judge who has served since the 1980s, he was in good spirits and playing Jeopardy with the jury yesterday, a practice he apparently employs to help the jurors and courtroom staff pass time while waiting for procedural matters and technical difficulties in the court to be resolved.