Court Docs: Ashley Biden’s Diary Was Abandoned Alongside Biden Foundation Bag, Other ‘Personal Effects’

A new court filing from lawyers representing Project Veritas in the federal investigation regarding the alleged theft of Ashley Biden’s diary – published by National File in its entirety last year – reveals new information about how the diary from Joe Biden’s troubled daughter was obtained.

In a new court document, Project Veritas now claims “a tipster” called the media company around September 3, 2020 claiming that “a new occupant moved into a place where Ashley Biden had previously been staying and found Ms. Biden’s diary and other personal items” upon arrival. According to Project Veritas, the “tipster” described the diary as “pretty crazy” and “worth taking a look at.”

“Project Veritas learned that Ashley Biden’s other abandoned personal effects in the sources’ possession included an overnight bag with the ‘B. Biden Foundation’ logo and miscellaneous personal items,” wrote the outlet’s lawyers. “The source who found Ms. Biden’s abandoned diary and another source brought the diary to Project Veritas in New York. The sources arranged to meet the Project Veritas journalist in Florida soon thereafter to give the journalist additional abandoned items.”

As National File reported, a whistleblower from within Project Veritas provided the diary to National File after learning the the company did not intend to publish it. According to National File’s whistleblower, the document was thoroughly vetted in a process that included hand writing analysis and a phone call made to Ashley Biden in which she confirmed the diary was hers.

In the diary, Ashley Biden wrote about the “probably not appropriate” showers she shared with Joe Biden when she was a child, and suggested that early childhood sexual trauma or molestation may be the cause of the drug and sex addictions she faces as an adult.

Read the full 112-page Ashley Biden Diary published by National File last year:

Ashley Biden wrote the diary while she was in a series of drug rehab facilities. The diary ultimately concludes with its author finding sobriety – if only briefly – to work on her father’s presidential campaign.

National File published the diary in October of last year, only days before the 2020 presidential election. Earlier this month, the FBI raided three addresses connected to Project Veritas – including the home of its founder, James O’Keefe – as part of an investigation into the alleged theft of the diary, confirming the diary as authentic in the eyes of the public.

Nothing National File learned from its Project Veritas whistleblower indicated the diary was stolen, and even Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple published an article critical of the FBI for its decision to investigate an alleged crime in which the victim is the president’s daughter.