Action Alert: Infrastructure Bill Requires That All Taxpayer Funded Broadband Projects Must Support 5G Deployment

By B.N. Frank

American opposition to 5G deployment has been ongoing for years due to a variety of established risks associated with the controversial technology – one of them being aviation safety (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).  In fact, because of aviation safety warnings, AT&T and Verizon have agreed to delay deployment until January and also limit it for 6 months.

Nevertheless, 5G proponents (including legislators and the Federal Communications Commission) continue to promote funding deployment, hence, the new Infrastructure Bill was written to do just that (see 1, 2, 3, 4).

Thanks to the folks at Americans for Responsible Technology for creating a take-action alert for Americans opposed to taxpayer-funded 5G.

Do you want your tax money used to deploy 5G?

Because of ONE word in the new infrastructure bill, all taxpayer-funded broadband projects must support the deployment of 5G! That needs to change!

Section 60102 (a) (2) I (ii) (II) of the new infrastructure bill requires all new broadband projects to “support the deployment of 5G” to qualify for federal funding.

We’ve uncovered an outrageous provision of the new infrastructure bill -– one that needs to be fixed, and the sooner the better.

The intent of Congress was to help close the digital divide by providing billions of dollars for broadband projects, including both wired and wireless projects.  Wired broadband is faster, cheaper, safer, more reliable, less susceptible to hacking and much more energy efficient than wireless.

But lobbyists for the wireless industry snuck a phrase into the 1036 page bill that requires any federally-funded broadband project to support the deployment of 5GWait, what?

It’s a naked demonstration of telecom influence in Congress and an insult to every family in underserved communities who desperately need cost-effective broadband, not slow, expensive, unreliable, hackable, energy-guzzling wireless broadband.

So, we need a one-word fix:

Bad law: “…Support the deployment of 5G, successor wireless technologies, and other advanced services.”

Better law: “…Support the deployment of 5G, successor wireless technologies or other advanced services.”

There is only one way to fix this: Congress needs to act! Today, please take a minute to email your representatives in Washington and ask them to “Fix the 5G Mistake.”

And why not forward this message to a few friends?

Sample email:

Dear (name of legislator),

I’m writing about one word in the infrastructure bill, HR 3684.

As written, Sec. 60102 (a) (2) I (ii) (II) requires that all broadband projects must “support the deployment of 5G” to be eligible for federal funding. So, for instance, projects that provide low-cost wired community broadband connections can’t be funded.

I’m sure you would never knowingly support that kind of language. After all, everyone knows that wired broadband connections are faster, cheaper, safer, more reliable, less susceptible to hacking and much more energy efficient than wireless. Wired broadband is how we fix the digital divide for good!

So we need to fix the law.  The fourth word from the end of that section needs to be changed from “and” to “or.” 

This simple change that would reinstate the will of Congress, help close the digital divide, and prevent billions of taxpayer dollars from becoming a windfall for the wireless industry.

Please let me know you received this message and what action you plan to take.

Thank you!

Find your federal representative

In addition to aviation safety issues, other risks have been associated with 5G as well including:

Reports have also shown that 4G service is still better and safer than 5G (see 1, 2, 3, 4).

The FCC has catered to the telecom and cable industries for decades (see 1, 2, 3).  This has led to numerous lawsuits filed against the agency for NOT protecting the public from unsafe levels of cell phone and WiFi radiation (see 1, 2, 3), 5G on Earth (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and in space, and also for allowing telecom and cable companies to overcharge Americans (see 1, 2).

Earlier this year, scientists submitted a letter to President Biden asking him to protect the public from 5G and other unsafe technology.  Instead he continues to commit to adding more most recently via the Infrastructure Bill.  Americans opposed to any or all of this may also sign and share the following online petitions 1, 2, 3.

Opposition to 5G is worldwide.  Since 2017 doctors and scientists have been asking for moratoriums on Earth and in space (see 1, 2).  The majority of scientists oppose deployment.

Activist Post reports regularly about the 5G and other unsafe technology.  For more information visit our archives and the following websites.

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Action Alert: Infrastructure Bill Requires That All Taxpayer Funded Broadband Projects Must Support 5G Deployment