Devastating: 40% Of Democrats Say ‘Biden Deserves to Be Impeached’ – Poll

Do you think President Joe Biden deserves to be impeached for his failure in Afghanistan?

A whopping 60 percent of voters do — including 40 percent of Democrats.

The startling numbers come from a new Rasmussen poll that indicates Biden’s popularity is slipping not only overall but also among a key demographic, the very one that propelled him to the White House: the members of his own party.

The majority of several demographics agreed that Biden deserves to be impeached, including 56 percent of black voters, 61 percent of other non-whites and 58 percent of those with no party affiliation.

All told, a full 60 percent of voters think Biden needs to go.

Americans aren’t enthused about his presumptive replacement, either. Fifty-eight percent of those surveyed said Vice President Kamala Harris is unqualified for the presidency.

Do you think President Biden deserves to be impeached?

The poll was conducted on Monday and Tuesday among 1,000 likely voters with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points.

It’s glaringly obvious: Biden can’t escape his stunning failure in Afghanistan, nor should he be allowed to.

Yet as his approval rating wanes and he sits at the point of no return, he doubles down on his decision to execute the withdrawal as he did, blames anyone and everyone for the consequences, and continues his run of disregard and disrespect.

It’s no wonder even Democrats can’t defend this.

We’ve also heard calls for Biden’s impeachment from another shocking source: his longtime friend Sen. Lindsey Graham.

“[Biden] deserves a lot of accountability for this. And I’m sure it will be coming,” he told CBS on Sunday, according to The Guardian.

“I think it’s dereliction of duty to leave hundreds of Americans behind enemy lines, turn them into hostages, to abandon thousands of Afghans who fought honorably along our side, to create conditions for another 9/11 that are now through the roof,” he added.

Of course, Graham isn’t the only GOP lawmaker who wants Biden to be removed from office. Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has already introduced articles of impeachment against him.

Across the pond, the British Parliament help Biden in contempt over the disaster in Afghanistan, with one member even questioning his fitness for the presidency.

“If this does destroy Biden’s presidency, you have to question his fitness for the role,” MP Bob Seely said. “You have got to address Biden’s intellectual fitness and health fitness for the role.”

“I’m sorry, he is just gaga … he doesn’t have a grip. How many slip-ups before people think, yep, he can’t do the job.”

The discontent was inevitable, and the effects of Biden’s botched withdrawal will linger for years — including, no doubt, at the polls.

If 40 percent of Democrats have withdrawn their support from the leader of their party, 2022 and ’24 are bound to be interesting.