Organizations in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden Request Protection from Wireless Technology

By B.N. Frank

Decades of peer-reviewed research has determined that exposure to wireless “Wi-Fi” radiation is biologically and environmentally harmful (see 1, 2).  Some countries have already recognized risks and government agencies have taken action to warn and protect the public.  Eleven organizations in four Nordic countries have appealed to their governments to better protect the public and the environment from the adverse effects of wireless devices and infrastructure.

From Environmental Health Trust:

Nordic Appeal on Wireless Technology Calls For Protections for Humans and The Environment

Nordic Organizations from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden Request Protections for Humans and the Environment 

Press release December 16, 2021:  

Nordic Appeal from 11 NGO’s – calling for better protection  against wireless technology  

In a joint letter, representatives from 11 Nordic organizations from 4 European countries,  active in the field of health risks from radiation from wireless technology, request that  humans and the environment must be better protected.  

People’s exposure to pulsed microwave radiation from wireless technology has increased exponentially  in recent years, mainly due to the expansion of 4G+ and 5G and an increased amount of consumer  products based on technology that emits microwave radiation.

In the Nordic countries, outdated rules for permitted radiation are still applied, which only protect  people against harmful effects that occur as a result of acute heating. This means that humans are  completely unprotected against the amount of harmful effects, such as cancer, DNA damage, oxidative  stress and neurological effects, that research has repeatedly shown to occur at levels well below these  reference values. Current reference values also have no protection against harmful effects on  biodiversity.

The organizations note that they are constantly reached by new testimonies from people who have  suffered from ill health after base stations for 4G, 5G or smart electricity meters have been installed in  their immediate environment, and that the development is very worrying.

The Nordic Appeal call for 4 important measures to be taken.  

Read more in the attached document or follow the link below!  

Link to full Nordic Appeal Online 

Link to Download the Appeal

Link to Download the Press Release 

Signatories the letter include

  • Mona Nilsson, Chairman, Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, Sweden
  • Lennart Hardell, Chairman, Professor (ret), The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation, Sweden
  • Marianne Ketti, Chairman, ElectroSensitive Association, Sweden
  • Nigel Wells, Chairman, The Wavebreaker, Sweden
  • Rainer Nyberg, Chairman, Professor (em), Finnish Radiation Safety Society, Finland
  • Erja Tamminen, Chairman, Association for Electrosensitive, Finland
  • Anni-Marja Riikinsaari, Chairman, The Finnish Electrosensitivity Foundation, Finland
  • Thomas J. Middelthon, Chairman, Citizens’ radiation protection, Norway
  • Solveig Glomsrød, Chairman, Association for Electro Hypersensitive, Norway
  • Pernille Schriver, Spokesperson, The Danish EHS Association, Denmark
  • Thomas Graversen, Spokesperson, The Council for Health-Safe Telecommunication, Denmark

Excerpt of Appeal

In recent years, human exposure to pulsed microwave radiation from wireless technology has increased exponentially. The increase is mainly a result of the expansion of 4G + and 5G as well as an increased amount of consumer products based on technology that emits microwave radiation. In addition to more base stations, millions of so-called smart electricity meters are being installed, which also contribute to the overall increase in microwave radiation in our outdoor and indoor environment.

In parallel with this exploding radiation exposure, regulations and so-called safety limits applicable to the permitted radiation are based on a severely outdated approach from the 1950s. These ‘safety limits’ (or guidelines) only protect people against harmful effects that occur as a result of acute heating. This means that humans are completely unprotected against a whole range of harmful effects, such as cancer, DNA damage, oxidative stress and neurological effects, which scientific research has repeatedly shown to occur at levels well below these safety limits. Current safety limits give no protection at all against harmful effects of radiation on biodiversity.

We represent organizations that have been involved in research and /or followed the research in this field for many years. We constantly receive new testimonies from people who have suffered from ill health after base stations for 4G, 5G or smart electricity meters have been installed in their immediate environment. We are deeply concerned about these developments and demand that the following measures be taken as soon as possible:

  1. New safety limits must be established that protect against the evident health and environmental risks at levels that are far below current guidelines. This must be done by experts who are free from any ties to the industry concerned, and with participation by researchers within the research community, who consider the risks to be considerable even at levels well below the current guidelines.
  2. Before further deployment, a risk assessment of 5G systems must be carried out, also in this instance by experts who are free from ties to the industry concerned, and with participation by researchers within the research community who point to evidence that the risks are considerable.
  3. To prevent injuries, education about the risks must be carried out at all levels of society, for example in healthcare, schools, and the general public.
  4. The best possible technology should be used to protect human health and the environment. Wired technology that minimizes harmful radiation must be a priority.

Common sources of wireless-radiation emitting technology include wireless or “Smart” devices (activity trackers and other wearables, cell phones, cordless phones, “Smart” appliances, utility “Smart” Meters, Wi-Fi routers, etc.) and wireless infrastructure (cell towers and antennas, Wi-Fi transmitters, 5G, etc.).


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Organizations in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden Request Protection from Wireless Technology