EXPLOSIVE: Fight Breaks Out Between Head Coaches After Michigan – Wisconsin Men’s Basketball Game – Melee Ensues

Here’s what happened this evening after the Big Ten’s Wisconsin – Michigan men’s basketball game. Wisconsin was winning big but then they called a timeout with only seconds to go. This upset Michigan’s coach.

Here’s a closer look at Howard slapping the Wisconsin Assistant.

After the game, Howard expressed his thoughts on what happened.

After the game, Gard expressed the situation as follows:

Dave Portney from Barstool sports saw it this way:

Here’s Howard and Gard tomorrow trying to defend themselves before the Big Ten Commissioner.

A gentle reminder to always be on guard, even when walking through the customary hand-shake line after games.

Both coaches are expected to apologize in the next couple of days.


The post EXPLOSIVE: Fight Breaks Out Between Head Coaches After Michigan – Wisconsin Men’s Basketball Game – Melee Ensues appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.