Vaccine Makers Watch Profits Soar, Celebrate WH Announcement That Boosters Are Imminent

The coronavirus gravy train is plowing full steam ahead as Big Pharma and President Joe Biden aggressively push the COVID-19 vaccines and their accompanying booster shots.

While this may come as a slap in the face to pandemic-weary Americans, it’s great news for vaccine manufacturers such as Pfizer and Moderna, which enjoyed unprecedented windfalls thanks to the viral outbreak.

In fact, Pfizer expects its COVID-19 vaccine to haul in revenues of $33.5 billion this year alone — putting it on track to become the best-selling drug in history.

In its second-quarter earnings statement, the company said it expects total revenues of $78 billion to $80 billion for fiscal 2021, citing the monster sales of its coronavirus vaccine.

Earlier this month, the pharmaceutical giant said it would urge U.S. regulators to authorize a third dose of its vaccine, claiming the booster shot could bolster immune protection against the coronavirus.

This cynical turn of events undermines Biden’s repeated assurances that getting vaccinated was the key to freedom and would allow you to resume normal life again, free of masks and other draconian restrictions.

That was wrong, of course. Thousands of vaccinated people have contracted the coronavirus, and more than 1,500 of them have died, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Moreover, everyone is now being urged to wear masks again — regardless of vaccination status.

Some liberal cities, such as New York, have gone a step further, implementing vaccine passports that require customers to show both proof of vaccination and an ID card as a condition of admittance to restaurants, cafes and other indoor venues.

Reminder: The Democrats and their corporate media partners repeatedly screeched that ID cards are “racist” when required for voting, but now they cheerfully embrace them even though black Americans have among the lowest vaccination rates in the country.

The bottom line is that no one is resuming “normal life” again because this abnormal status quo is the new normal.

The rush to push for more vaccinations in the form of an indefinite number of booster shots is ramping up even though the coronavirus vaccines have not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

On Wednesday, the Biden administration urged vaccinated Americans to get their third COVID-19 shot.

Do you plan on getting a booster shot?

“The available data make very clear that protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection begins to decrease over time following the initial doses of vaccination,” the Department of Health and Human Services announced. “For that reason, we conclude that a booster shot will be needed to maximize vaccine-induced protection and prolong its durability.

“We are prepared to offer booster shots for all Americans beginning the week of September 20 and starting 8 months after an individual’s second dose.”

All of this is going according to plan. In May, the CEOs of both Pfizer and Moderna told Axios that vaccinated Americans could require a booster shot as early as September.

“The data that I see coming, they are supporting the notion that likely there will be a need for a booster somewhere between eight and 12 months,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said.

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel echoed that message, saying he’d prefer that people get their booster shots earlier rather than later.

“I think as a country we should rather be two months too early than two months too late with outbreaks in several places,” Bancel said.

As if on cue, White House medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci reaffirmed what those CEOs said about the booster shots.

“I think we will almost certainly require a booster sometime within a year or so after getting the primary [shot] because the durability of protection against coronaviruses is generally not lifelong,” Fauci told Axios in May.

Democrats and their media puppets have cavalierly impugned vaccine skeptics as uneducated, right-wing conspiracy theorists.

In reality, many Americans on both sides of the political aisle have legitimate concerns about an experimental vaccine that has not withstood long-term scientific scrutiny.

When you throw in the enormous profit motive for Big Pharma and the dubious political motives undergirding continued coronavirus fearmongering and vaccine bullying, it’s not surprising that many Americans remain suspicious.