The Atlantic Wants Us to Know that Climate Change Would Be Severely Impacted if There was a Nuclear War

The far-left Atlantic published an article claiming that climate change would be severely impacted if there was a nuclear war. 

The far-left Atlantic recently released a report indicating its concerns for the people of Ukraine and the world.  The Atlantic felt it was important to point out that if the Russia – Ukraine conflict ends in nuclear war, then the climate would be severely impacted.

Twitchy reported on comments in response to Atlantic’s crazy piece.

Does the Atlantic think any survivors of a nuclear holocaust will care about climate change?

What about the people of color? Is the Atlantic piece racist?

John Kerry is also concerned about the carbon footprint from the Russian invasion of Ukraine but he really cares about the people there too. He cares about all of us. He really does.

The post The Atlantic Wants Us to Know that Climate Change Would Be Severely Impacted if There was a Nuclear War appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.