“Scientists” Glue Hands To Buildings, Throw Fake Blood Protesting Climate Change

“Scientists” all across the globe took to the streets to protest climate change. This is after the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its report.

The report called for “rapid and deep” cuts to greenhouse gas emissions.

The Hill reported:

More than 1,000 scientists from over 25 countries took part in the protests to highlight the findings from a United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report stating humanity only has three more years to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

The report states that “rapid and deep” cuts to greenhouse gas emissions are needed by 2025 to keep the planet below 1.5 degrees Celsius of global warming and avoid the most severe climate disasters.

Many were arrested.

In Madrid, 50 scientists were arrested after throwing fake blood on the steps of the Spanish Parliament’s Congress of Deputies.

In Los Angeles, four were arrested for chaining themselves to the front door of a Chase Bank building.

One group of 25 scientists glued their hands to the UK Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy.

The Guardian reported: 

Twenty-five scientists have pasted pages of scientific papers to the windows of the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and glued their hands to the glass to highlight the climate science they said the government was ignoring.

The scientists, affiliated with Scientists for Extinction Rebellion, arrived at the department’s building at 1 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, just after 11am. Doctors and health professionals staged a decoy action to give them space to get into position.

Meanwhile, the global elites continue to be wrong with their climate predictions.

13 YEARS AGO TODAY – Junk Scientist Al Gore Incorrectly Predicted North Pole Would Be ICE FREE in Five Years – And the Global Warming Craze Began

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