US Sends Military Ships to Caribbean Sea to Disrupt Drug Cartels and Cut Off Socialist Maduro Regime Transfers of Illegal Drugs

Tension increases in the Caribbean Sea

US military forces expanded their anti-drug operations in the Caribbean.

According to White House National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien the military mission is to reduce the entry of illegal drugs into the US.

The US sent powerful warships, spy planes, and thousands of US troops to the Sea Caribbean this past week.

In addition, President Trump seeks to reduce the financial support for drug trafficking that provides the corrupt Maduro socialist regime.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley put drug cartels on notice this past week.

Attorney General William Bar notified the world of the deployment last week saying, “For years, the cartels have used these routes mainly from Colombia, but now also from Venezuela. And these shipping lanes on both coasts have become the primary routes to bring cocaine to the US. ”

US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper posted this warning to the Venezuelan cartels last week.

Mauricio Claver Carone, the main White House adviser to South America, spoke at Morning BLU. Carone spoke about the mobilization of troops after Maduro was accused of being the leader of a drug cartel.  “The deployment is consistent with President Trump in prioritizing the security of the Western Hemisphere.” These troops are there to decrease narco-terrorist activities and protect people who threaten the security of US allies in the region.

The Socialist Maduro Regime Reactions

After these developments Nicolas Maduro said, “I am in charge of all the preparations so that Venezuela has peace and is ready for any combat.  I order the mobilization of artillery pieces to be prepared for the defense of peace.”

Samuel Moncada from the regime tweeted out: The objective is to cut trade between Cuba and Venezuela. It is an act of war and to cause maximum suffering.


Finally, Maibort Petit posted about the armed groups in Venezuela. They suddenly moved their locations from Aragua and the Llanos to the west. These groups belong to the Islamic fundamentalist cells that are present in Venezuela. The socialist regime has hosted irregular armed groups for several years in its territory.


Elda Primera is a Venezuelan journalist in exile. She is a journalist covering the Venezuelan crisis. She was a television and radio reporter for 19 years in Venezuela before fleeing the country late last year. Currently, Elda continues to write about the Venezuelan conflict.  Elda is an expert on the dangers of socialism.  She is committed to freedom of expression and the restitution of democracy for a better world.

To contact the author:
Elda Primera at

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