Video: Pro-Life Football Coach Jim Harbaugh Offers to Raise Players’ Unplanned Children to Save Them From Abortion

Last Updated on July 30, 2022

Pro-life Michigan Wolverines football coach Jim Harbaugh is publicly offering to raise the unplanned children of his football players and others in order to save their lives from abortion. The promise from Coach Harbaugh comes on the heels of his keynote address to a Right to Life rally earlier this month and flies in the face of left-wing media scrutiny from ESPN and others surrounding his deeply-held pro-life beliefs.

Jim Harbaugh, a former NFL quarterback who has coached at both the professional and Divison 1 collegiate level, doubled down in a serious fashion on his pro-life beliefs following an address he made to a Right to Life rally earlier this month, offering to take in the unplanned children of his football players, team staff members, or others in order to save their lives from abortion.

“In God’s plan, each unborn human truly has a future filled with potential, talent, dreams, and love,” Harbaugh, a devout Catholic, told the rally, challenging everyone to “have the courage to let the unborn be born.”

Read More: Jim Harbaugh Gives Keynote Speech At Pro-Life Event, Takes Criticism On Twitter

Following his Right to Life speech, left-wing Twitter mobs and corporate media members took jabs at Coach Harbaugh, and far-left sports network ESPN offered him a chance to “clarify” his stance on abortion. Harbaugh took ESPN up on their offer, further discussing his pro-life beliefs and actions during an in-person video interview with ESPN’s Gene Wojciechowski.

“Faith, family, football, those are my priorites,” Harbaugh told ESPN, saying that the issue of protecting life is “too big” to shy away from.

“It’s a life or death issue,” Harbaugh went on to say, before telling ESPN that he’s told his players, staff members, and family members all the same thing – that if they experience an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy, he and his wife will step in and offer their help, even if it means raising the child themselves.

“I’ve told [them] the same thing I tell my kids, the boys, the girls, the same thing I tell our players, our staff members,” Harbaugh told ESPN. “I encourage them if they have a pregnancy that wasn’t planned, to go through with it, go through with it. Let that unborn child be born, and if at that time, you don’t feel like you can care for it, you don’t have the means or the wherewithal, then [my wife] Sarah and I will take that baby.”

“Any player on our team, any female staff member, or any staff member or anybody in our family or our extended family,” Harbaugh said.

Watch Jim Harbaugh’s Interview With ESPN Below: