Kamala Harris Nods Along as Female Participant at Roundtable Argues for Removing Parental Notifications for Minors Obtaining Abortions

On Friday Kamala Harris held a roundtable on abortion rights with Latina women.

During the video discussion, one participant argued for removing parental notifications for minors obtaining abortions.

Kamala nodded along to the idea.

The Democrat platform calls for abortions up to the birth of the child.

US Abortion Law Closely Aligns with China and North Korea Even After Roe v. Wade Decision

Joe Biden accused the United States of being an “outlier” in the international community following the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

Of course, this was another Democrat lie.

The US, thanks to godless Democrats, has some of the most radical abortion regulations in the world today. Blue states are even enacting laws that allow abortion up to the birth of the baby! Some Democrats want babies killed even after birth.

The US was one of just 6 countries that allowed abortion on demand, where you could terminate a pregnancy at any point before Roe v. Wade was overturned.

In much of Western Europe, including Ireland and Germany, abortion procedures are banned in the majority of cases after 12 weeks. And Italy bans abortions after 90 days.

In June, FOX and Friends Weekend hosts Pete Hegseth and Will Cain discussed how US law resembles what you see in communist North Korea and China. And, still this is not radical enough for the Democrat party.

This was an excellent segment!

Via Midnight Rider.

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