Trump Threatens Fox News With Legal Action After Lincoln Project Attack Ad Is Aired

Last Updated on September 10, 2022

Donald Trump told his Truth Social followers he planned on suing Fox News after the network aired a Lincoln Project attack ad against him.

Former President Trump criticized Fox News and former House Speaker Paul Ryan, who is now serving in a high-level role at Fox.

Trump said the anti-Trump Lincoln Project is “false advertis[ing” with attack ads run on the network.

“The Perverts and Lowlifes of the Lincoln Project are back on, where else, Fox News. I thought they ran away to the asylum after their last catastrophic campaign, with charges made against them that were big time sleaze, and me getting many millions more votes in 2020 than I got in 2016,” Trump posted on social media.

READ MORE: Lincoln Project Builds ‘Hit List’ of Trump Officials, Staff

“The Paul Ryun run Fox only has high standards for ‘Trump’ ads, but not for anyone else. The Perverts should not be allowed to ‘false advertise,’ and Fox News should not allow it to happen,” the former President added.

Vowing to take legal action, Trump concluded, “See you all in Court!!!”

Trump’s recent frustration with the Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump and anti-MAGA organization, stems from a hit-piece attack ad the company aired on Fox News stations in Bedminster, New Jersey (where Trump resides).

The ad is titled “Sucker” and pushes a narrative that MAGA Republicans were suckers for donating to Trump. The Project Lincoln ad claims the former President does not believe the election was stolen, but he merely wants to fundraise off of his supporters:

“Dear MAGA, we have some bad news. No, not that he lost. Not that your little coup attempt failed and its planners and the attackers are going to jail. No. The really bad news is why Trump told you he lost. Why he set it up way before the 2020 election. It wasn’t voter fraud but it was fraud.

“Trump told you the election was stolen ripped you off, to sucker you, to take your hard-earned money and shovel it into his pockets. He spent it on himself not to take back the White House.

“It was the biggest scam in political history. Every dollar you sent him paid to keep his shady business empire and lavish lifestyle going. It was a sucker game all along. And you know who the sucker is? You.”

Stay tuned to National File for any updates.

RELATED: Anti-Trump Lincoln Project Disavows Founder After Revelation That He Flirted With 14-Year-Old Boy