Teachers and Disney Worker Arrested In Florida Prostitution Probe

Last Updated on September 10, 2022

Teachers and a Disney employee were among those arrested as part of a law enforcement investigation in Florida focused on human trafficking. The investigation, dubbed “Fall Haul 2,” was conducted by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, among others. Overall, the investigation reportedly made 160 arrests.

The arrested persons include multiple current schoolteachers, a recent high school computer technician who had been recently arrested for allegedly having sex with a 15-year old from his school, and a bellhop who works for Disney.

The perversion of America’s teachers is an alarming trend in the United States, as parents try to stop their kids from being exposed to groomers in the classroom who enforce stringently pro-LGBT and sexually provocative “lesson” plans. Clearly, the arrest of schoolteachers in this Florida investigation should concern parents in the Sunshine State and elsewhere. Additionally, Disney has come under scrutiny for its allegedly pro-grooming policies.

The United States of America is rapidly declining into a morass of moral degeneracy and sexual deviancy, and the schoolteachers who are supposed to shepherd the children are oftentimes leading them astray. What can be done to fix the black hole in the soul of the modern world?