Mike Lindell Fights Back: Will Sue FBI — “My First, Fourth And Fifth Amendment Rights Were Broken” (VIDEO)

Mike Lindell of MyPillow has been working to get to the bottom of what happened in the 2020 election.

The powers-that-be don’t like that.

Mike was just raided by the FBI — and they took the phone that he uses to conduct his business.

Now, Mike is fighting back.

Watch what he told Steve Bannon (transcript below):

From the video:

“I’ve been on the phone…with some of the best lawyers in the country — Alan Dershowitz, Andrew Parker, Kurt Olsen amongst others…We are suing the United States Government and the FBI…my First, Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights were broken...we’re not going to put up with this. We’re not going to be the Gestapo like in Nazi Germany…

We got all the lawyers on the phone, they looked up all these statutes. We’re going places where no man has gone before. This will set a precedent. This has to stop.

More from the video:

“I said ‘I want this done now.’…All the lawyers were in agreement: We’re going to set a precedent. We’re going on the offense. We’re suing the United States government and the FBI. They broke my rights — my First, Fourth and Fifth Amendment — they broke our constitutional rights.

You got my word: We’re getting it done. We’re not going to let them do this to other people — we’re stopping it now. This is not right — and what they did…This was a company phone and I want everyone to realize this: This was MyStore, MyPillow — it’s almost like they’re going after my own employees. They’re trying to destroy us!

Mike won’t let them destroy his company!

To help, if you need new mattresses or pillows or bedding or slippers, go to MyPillow.com and use promo code TGP.

You’ll get up to 66% off, plus Gateway Pundit will benefit from the purchase.

Even if you don’t need something right now, do what you can to support Mike!

MyPillow.com has much more than pillows:

At checkout, look for this box:

Put in TGP and hit “APPLY.”

Thank you for helping Mike in this fight!

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