Clinton-Appointed Judge Maxine Chesney Accused of Trying To Silence The Movement To Expose CPS

Last Updated on September 21, 2022

A mother named Andrea Wood is calling out San Francisco federal judge Maxine Chesney for trying to stop the mother’s efforts to legally fight against Child Protective Services (CPS). Bill Clinton successfully nominated Maxine Chesney for a federal judgeship on the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California in 1995. Now, Chesney is getting criticized for trying to silence the truth. Andrea Wood, who serves as president of the group California Family Advocacy, explained her legal struggle against Chesney in a recent interview for my Banned Dot Video channel (WATCH THE INTERVIEW HERE).

According to Andrea Wood, Maxine Chesney wrongfully labeled Wood a “vexatious litigant” without a trial or a hearing, claiming that she filed a frivolous lawsuit against Contra Costa County in California after the CPS agency there seized Wood’s children. Wood has appealed Chesney’s ruling, and said that Chesney is trying to silence her. Wood recently appeared in the documentary Save the Babies: A Documentary on CPS Child Trafficking.

“These children are being taken away from good families,” Andrea Wood said. Wood said that vexatious litigant classifications are being used to intimidate and silence good parents who want to legally change the system. Regardless, Wood is fighting to get all of her children back, including her 12-year old daughter Kingsley who is still in foster care.

Stay tuned to National File for any updates.

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