Guess Who Threatened to Take the Russian Nord Stream Pipelines Offline Before They Were Sabotaged This Week?

On Monday Russia’s Nord Stream 2 Pipeline from Russia to Germany lost all pressure from 300 to 7 bars.

The cause is unknown.

German citizens are facing a very cold winter ahead.

Now this…

Via Disclose TV – Following the pressure drop in Nord Stream 2, a pressure drop has now also been recorded in both lines of Nord Stream 1, the operator says.

German officials are suggesting the pressure drops may have been a targeted attack.

So guess who previously threatened to take the Nord Stream Pipelines offline before they were sabotaged on Monday?

That would be Joe Biden. He made the comments before Russia invaded Ukraine.

Via Midnight Rider.

The post Guess Who Threatened to Take the Russian Nord Stream Pipelines Offline Before They Were Sabotaged This Week? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.