WATCH OUT: Dem Operatives Running Partisan Websites Disguised As Local News Sites

Over 50 local news websites popped up in key swing states that are trying to impact the midterm elections.

The websites are all tied to Local Report, Inc. — which was registered in Florida last year.

The Blaze reported:

Within the last year, Democratic operatives have unleashed more than 50 websites which appear to be local news sites, but which actually either promote Democratic candidates and agendas or criticize the Republican opposition. These websites specifically target swing states in hopes of affecting the upcoming midterm elections.

According to Axios, Local Report Inc., which was registered in Florida last year, has launched 51 websites with innocuous-sounding names, such as the Northern Clark County Herald, the Valley Gazette, and the Bucks County Standard. Local Report has created such websites in Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Michigan, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin, all of which have competitive Congressional and/or gubernatorial races.

The sites have used multiple articles from The American Independent, which is a progressive media group.

Fox News reported:

The individual sites are held under the umbrella of a for-profit company called Local Report Inc, which was first incorporated in Florida in 2021.

Each site boasts numerous articles and editorial contribution from The American Independent, a progressive media group started by Media Matters co-founder David Brock, Axios reports.

Local Report stories have faced backlash for misrepresenting the reporting of others.

Stories from Local Reports have been used by many Democrat groups.

Axios reported:

Reality check: Local Report stories have caught flack for misrepresenting others’ reporting in order to cast political opponents in a negative light.

On Sept. 28, the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer’s Nick Wooten accused a Local Report website of lifting some of his reporting on Georgia’s abortion ban for a piece. The Local Report story insinuated Gov. Brian Kemp could order investigations into violations of the law. Before the day was over, the write-up had earned a signal boost from Stacey Abrams and the Democratic Party of Georgia. (Abrams later deleted her tweet and posted a link to Wooten’s original story.)

In addition to the Abrams campaign, Local Report stories have popped up in communications from the Democratic Parties of Georgia and Michigan, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Michigan’s Democratic secretary of state and independent political groups such as Color of Change and the Democratic Coalition.

Democrats go low again to influence midterm elections. 

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