INSURRECTION: Illegal Migrants Storm and Occupy Paris City Hall Demanding ‘Free Accommodations’

Last Updated on October 8, 2022

A mob of illegal third-world migrants stormed and occupied the city hall building in Paris, France, demanding that they be given welfare and “free accommodations.” Illegal and mass migration issues have again reached a tipping point in France, where the government is now planning to resettle so-called refugees in working-class rural communities, out of the sight and minds of the E.U. governing elite.

More than 100 illegal third-world migrants violently stormed and occupied the Paris city hall building in France yesterday, demanding that they be given welfare and “free accommodations” by a country that never invited them in, in the first place. Much like in the U.S., the migrants were aided in their city hall insurrection by native-born left-wing activists.

Video footage of the Paris city hall storming shows dozens of fighting-age, third-world male migrants forcing open the building’s doors, as others hop small barricades to let themselves in.

Several French left-wing activists are seen in the video documenting the insurrection with cell phone cameras and seemingly directing the actions of the migrants who, upon entering city hall, broke out into chants, demanding to receive welfare and “free accommodations.”

Notably, no police or law enforcement personnel are seen defending the building.

Watch video footage of the Paris migrant insurrection below:

The migrant insurrection in Paris, France comes as the nation again faces a tremendous flood of third-worlders at its borders, with the so-called refugees tending to be males of fighting age from the Middle East and Islamic regions of Africa.

The French illegal migration crisis will be depicted in an upcoming Netflix movie, which fantasizes about third-world migrants rising up against Europeans and overthrowing the French government. In the film, they’ll be portrayed as heroes who are taking on a “racist” regime.

Related: Netflix Film ‘Athena’ Depicts Violent Migrant Uprising Against French Police, Government

Recently, the left-wing Macron government has announced plans to resettle migrants in working-class rural communities, out of the sight and minds of E.U. elites in cities like Paris.

The re-embrace of third-world migrants comes after Macron and the French government had previously obeyed the will of the people and began disassembling migrant camps, deporting illegals, and closing radical mosques in the aftermath of numerous terror attacks and beheadings.

Those attacks mirror others across Europe. In cities where violent crime was once a rarity, it now plagues the streets.

Related: African Migrant Brutally Attacks Italian in Broad Daylight Amidst Illegal Migration Surge